In nature, water is purified naturally by passing through rivers, lakes and streams. The creation of an artificial reservoir offers an alternative way to treat wastewater from households, livestock farms and other agricultural productions. At the same time, it is a place where aquatic vegetation can settle, which acts as an “incubator” for aquatic fauna and leads to an increase in biodiversity. There are two types of artificial wetlands (AW) – with water and without a water mirror. The most suitable for our country are those of the second type.
The construction of AW is much cheaper than conventional methods of wastewater treatment (on average about 20-30%). AWs require only periodic maintenance and reduce watering costs. They fit well into the landscape of the respective area and create habitats for many representatives of the wild world.
• The AW scheme should be as simple as possible and require minimal maintenance costs.
• The AW should resemble the natural landscape and morphology of the natural wetland. In this way, the system will provide a suitable habitat for many species of organisms.
• Consult experts for each step in the construction and management of the AW.