Perennials with lavender are treated in early spring, before the vegetation of the crop and weeds (February-March) with the herbicide Ronstar in a dose of 400 g. Shelf – 45 g or Merlin – 5-6 g per acre. During the vegetation, when the 2nd, 3rd leaf of the weeds appears, 0.12-0.25 l of Galant Super, 0.30-0.40 l of Nabu Extra or 0.15-0.25 l of Fusilad Super are recommended. To control perennial rhizome weeds, Roundup at a dose of 1.0 l per decare is recommended. The beds prepared for rooting cuttings. pre-treated with the herbicide Ronstar in a dose of 0.4 liters or Raft – 30-35 g per acre.
Lavender is attacked by some fungal diseases that cause the formation of reddish-brown spots on the leaves, yellowing and drying of the leaves or drying of seedlings. In order to prevent diseases, it is recommended to observe the agro-technical requirements for growing the crop. Of the chemicals, the use of Ditan M 45 at a concentration of 0.4% is recommended to limit the drying of seedlings.