Any surgery performed for a non-therapeutic or diagnostic purpose that results in damage or loss of a significant part of the body or in a change in bone structure is prohibited. However, trimming the beak may be authorized by the veterinarian when other measures to prevent feather bites and cannibalism have been exhausted. In such cases, only after consultation with and on the advice of the veterinarian, pruning must be carried out by qualified staff and only on chickens less than 10 years old.
The following manipulations on birds are considered senselessly cruel and are prohibited:
- The removal of the wings, the complete trimming of the wings, their serration or cutting of tendons or others manipulations that involve severe mutilation. When necessary, only the flight feathers can be trimmed.
- The use of eyeglasses that penetrate the nasal septum.
- Removing vocal cords.
This type of manipulation can cause severe pain for this reason seriously contradict the requirements for animal welfare. They are generally unwanted and should only be resorted to in order to be prevented a more serious problem related to the welfare of birds. This one type of procedures should be applied only when their performance is real necessary. When necessary, this is done in accordance with the law requirements and animal welfare requirements and is complied with by well-trained staff. Strict hygiene is extremely important importance.