Maintaining proper documentation is a very important part of good farm management. The documentation must include at least:
- The number and sex of farmed birds;
- The daily mortality, number and average weight of birds sent for slaughter and those that are removed to dilute the flock and reduce stocking density;
- Daily mortality rate – this is the number of chickens that died in the poultry house on the same day, including those that were killed due to disease or other reasons, divided by the total number of chickens in the aviary on the same day, multiplied by 100;
- The number and sex of farmed birds;
- The daily mortality, number and average weight of birds sent for slaughter and those that are removed to dilute the flock and reduce stocking density;
- Daily mortality rate – this is the number of chickens that died in the poultry house on the same day, including those that were killed due to disease or other reasons, divided by the total number of chickens in the aviary on the same day, multiplied by 100;
- Body weight in relation to the expected weight gain;
- The internal area of each poultry house;
- Daily water consumption – water meters must be installed in each room;
- Tests and maintenance of automatic equipment, including alarm systems, backup support systems, fire extinguishers and generators;
- Daily minimum and maximum temperature;
- Lighting mode – light intensity and duration;
- Dates of cleaning, disinfection and microbial testing load between charges;
- Veterinary medical consultations, date and results;
- Diary for medical manipulations and vaccinations.
In addition, for the control of salmonellosis are applied the requirements specified in the Manual for implementation of the National Program for control of Salmonellosis in broilers, approved by Order № RD 11-876 / 26.09.2009 of the General Director of NVS.