- Manure must be stored and used in accordance with the requirements of the Rules of Good Agricultural Practice in order to protect water from nitrate pollution from agricultural sources.
- Store solid manure on level ground and on specially built manure storages, pits or watertight sites on farms to reduce the risk of contamination and easier use.
- Wastewater discharged from stored solid manure must also be collected and stored.
- The required capacity of the manure storage must be in accordance with the number of animals on the farm.
- Determine the amount of “dirty water” produced during fertilizer storage and barn cleaning by collecting and storing it in an environmentally friendly manner.
- It is recommended that solid and liquid manure be stored separately.
- Consult a specialist about the required capacity of your manure storage, taking into account that solid manure should be stored for at least 4 months in pasture and 6 in stable, and liquid – at least 4 months.
- Make sure that rainwater from roofs, open yards, machinery and the surrounding area does not enter the manure storage. Cover manure storages and manure piles to reduce nutrient losses.