Birds must be provided with an appropriate diet that is appropriate of their type and age, and to ensure the maintenance of good health Condition. Feed and liquids that may harm them should not be given (Art. 151, item 10 of the LCA).
Access to food must be provided at appropriate intervals in
depending on their physiological needs (at least once a day), except where recommended by a veterinarian. There must also be constant access to drinking water. Feeders and drinkers must be designed and installed in such a way as to prevent contamination of food and water.
Substances other than those for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes should not be administered unless it has been demonstrated in animal welfare studies or established in practice that it is harmless to animal health and welfare.
All birds must have daily access to food and water (Art. 150, par.1, items 1 c) and d), and when moving to a new room, the caretaker must make sure that they can find them. Food and water must be changed regularly to prevent contamination. Water supply must be ensured, even at very low outside temperatures.
In intensive cultivation systems, the maximum distance that the bird should go to the food and the water is not more than 4 meters. However, in some cultivation systems, such as outdoor, the distance may be more than 4 meters. In these cases, all overcrowding, feeding and watering requirements must be met. Sudden changes in the type and quality of feed must be avoided.Всички промени в диетата трябва да се въвеждат постепенно. Фуражите, предвидени за други видове животни следва да се избягват, тъй като определени съставки може да се окажат токсични за птиците.
Broilers may not be fed for at least 12 hours before slaughter or delivery to the farm. This 12-hour period includes catching, loading, transporting and unloading them at the destination before slaughter.
Water must be provided before the birds are loaded into the truck.
Water consumption monitoring devices must be installed in the breeding premises. By keeping daily records, the presence of a health problem can be detected early.
Access to water during daylight hours should be provided by properly placed drinking bowls.